Planning Producing & Perfecting Your Brand Photos Saturday April 27 at 614 Knit Studio, Columbus OH

This class is for designers, yarn producer/ dyers, test stitchers, sample makers…any creative business that needs strong photos that tell your story and pop in social media and websites. A special 2.5 hour class with tons of actionable ideas and techniques. Space limited!

MASTER CLASS ! Picture Perfect Product Photography at H+H Americas on Tues April 30, Rosemont IL

2.5 hours of mostly hands-on action and info packed learning of how to make photos for your creative business. We will cover photographing and photo editing with your smartphone to make better photos more efficiently . This will sell out! Grab your spot now.

Fabulous Phone Photography of Your Knits (& Crochet) Saturday May 4 at Miss Purl Chicago IL

What do we love almost as much as knitting& crocheting? Showing what we made! This 2 hour fun and inspirational workshop will level up your photo skills with tips & tricks we’ll use on the spot.